As one of several thousand spectators at Spokane’s Riverfront Park Powwow a few
years ago, I was lucky enough to snap a photo of this remarkable group of Native
American drummers. The men struck the drums in unison with covered mallets
blending their voices with the beating of the drum to create the song. It’s been said that the drumbeat carries the heartbeat of the Indian nation and Mother Earth calling the spirits and nations together. It was a very moving and inspirational experience for me, one that I wanted to recreate in watercolor.
The history of this event, and the significance of gathering at the Spokane River,
goes back generations. It has been a sacred tradition for many of the tribes around
the Northwest to gather at the river because it gives life, love, hope, and a sense of
revitalization. During past years, Riverfront Park has been home to this event and it has become a tradition for people of all nations to gather and celebrate those gifts
the river provides and to create or renew friendships. Dancers and singers, young
and old, come from both near and far to showcase their songs and their dance styles
for our community. It is, without a doubt, a unique cultural gathering.
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